We have a gun problem in this country
I am sick of hearing/reading about school shootings. This is unacceptable. The worst part is, as the article points out, that this is the fourth shooting at a US school in the last week. FOUR! Four times in the last week someone opened fire at a school in this country. Just let that sink in for a second. I don't say this to make light of the situation, but remember the good old days when an awful event like this only happened once or twice a year?
Tragic. Absolutely tragic.
The gun lobby needs to be held accountable. The people who sell these guns need to be held accountable.
The Virginia Tech shooting that happened last April really shook me up and I had hoped it would be a long time before something like that happened again. I tried to calm down after reading about this by reading through some of my old posts on this here blog. It is painfully obvious that I rarely update this thing (it's been about 4 months since my last post, the new 'Clef was good but not great) but I don't see it as a site that needs my attention. It is an e-journal of sorts for my own purposes and the two or three people who happen upon it get to peer inside my frustrations with school shootings or the TV show 24.
By the way some quick updates (just to lighten the mood and catch up on the last four months)...
I am a Dad in waiting! That is the term I have found I like best. I'm a big "sanctity of life" guy so even in talking about being a dad, I like to say that I am already a dad even as I wait for my child to begin the portion of it's life that takes place outside of the womb. You can read more about all that here at Mariah's baby blog.
I no longer work at New Life as of last May and have been to church twice since then. I decided to submit a post at Letters From Leavers to share some of my thoughts since leaving the church. I would love it if you read it and shared any thoughts you had.
I went to a couple cool shows in the last few months as well. Mariah and I saw the Cold War Kids at the Wiltern on Nov 26th and it was pretty dang sweet although I found myself increasingly annoyed at the people around us. I can tell that I am becoming a grumpy old man when I go to shows and complain about having to stand the whole time and all of the annoying high school kids who jump up and down during the show. During my walk down My Creative Apathy Memory lane I came across this post in which I predicted a big 07 for the Cold War Kids. If you check out their travel logesque web site you will see that I was right. Mariah and I and some friends also took in David Bazan of Pedro the Lion fame about a week or two after the Cold War Kids show at Spaceland. And then a few weeks back Bobby and I took in Black Rebel Motorcycle Club at the Key Club. Great venue and a great band. They are quickly working their way into my top five favorite bands.
What a weird post this has turned out to be.