Monday, February 26, 2007

Creative Apathy Awards

So here are my three favorite films from last year.

Stranger Than Fiction, Children of Men, and Thank You for Smoking.

And the award goes to...(drumroll)...Children of Men.

Seeing how none of my 3 favorite movies were nominated for best picture, I decided not to watch the Academy Awards last night. In fact ever since Titanic won best picture in '97 over Good Will Hunting, L.A. Confidential, As Good As It Gets, and The Full Monty, I sort of wrote off the Oscars as a waste of time. You mean to tell me that Titanic is the best of those five movies? It's the worst.

I would go with L.A. Confidential.

1 comment:

Nance said...

I'm not sure if I'd have nominated STF for Best Picture(I honestly didn't see enough movies this year), but Children of Men, definitely, and Emma Thompson should have been up for Best Actress. There's no excuse for that.