Sunday, September 10, 2006

Forever Changed

So many people in New York Town
Eyes wide shut just walkin' around
They woke to life when they heard the sound
Of two rockets bringin' them buildings down

It left them staring at the sky
Pieces of their heart falling from high
Forever changed
Forever changed

Summer's laughter
Winter's sorrow
Find forever in tomorrow's change

Bottle Rocket-Mike Barnet

5 years is a long time.

I can't help but ask the question, what has changed in the last five years? It's not the questions that I see every news reporter asking either..."Do you feel safer now than you did 5 years ago?" "Are our airports safer?" "When will Al-Qaeda strike again?"

I think we are missing the point if watching out for our own butts becomes the issue. When you look out for #1, things like humility, forgiveness, and social responsibility tend to take a back seat.

I think Mike Barnet was writing a song of hope...hope that 9/12 and 9/13 and 9/14 and so on would be days of change, in which we as a society looked at ourselves in the mirror, in which we answered the call to stop the cyclical pattern of violence, repaying death with death. I'm not dumb enough to say hope is lost, because along with faith and love, hope always remains.

But 5 years is a long time.

Support Mike Barnet

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