Friday, September 29, 2006

I'm a seminarian!

No seminarian isn't one of the signs of the Zodiac (I'm a leo). I started seminary this week at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena and I love it so far. It seems like it will be fairly manageable as far as scheduling and stress and all those time constraint things. I don't have too many assignments in my two courses (Hebrew Prophets and Christian Ethics) but I do have a ton of reading, which is fine by me because I love to read. It just feels good to be learning again. Because I am only going part time I am afraid it will take me a long time to finish. My goal is to finish the degree in less than four years.
I'm sure the ethics class will give me a ton to rant about here on the ol' weblog so stay tuned for my thoughts on Just War Theory, Abortion, Stem-Cell Research, and Immigration, among other fun topics! Also I could get going a Creative Apathy Featured Prophet and switch it up from time to time like the Beatles Song of the Week. Man, isn't seminary fun?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im excited you learning and finding new passion:)